Release v2022.01
v2022.01 is the official release of the platform.
New Features
Branded login page
- Added the ability to brand a login page based on client needs
- Ability to add banner messages
- Users are authenticated when logging in with a username or password
- Users can login through SSO
- Policy and Terms of Use links are available
- Forgot password functionality
- Users may request for access to the application
Hub/Home landing page
- Ability to add and size various widgets; Greetings widget, Apps widget and Social Feed widget to a client dashboard
- The Greeting widget allows content manager to enter text for their desired greeting. They may also personalize the greeting by referencing the users name
- The apps widget contains in-house apps and allows content managers to create and link their own apps
- Social feed retrieves a social wall which is a collection of various social media posts from various social media suppliers
Menu added to direct users to various areas of the application
- Apps are displayed so that users can easily navigate from one app to another
- Change password feature is available for users who login via username and password
- Help link has been added which directs users to an LMS
- Feedback link opens a pop-up containing a survey and captures user ratings and comments
- Edit mode toggle is available to content managers. Enabling edit mode provides a series of options and configurations to a user that is not visible by the common viewer
User management
- Contains the ability to add/edit/delete users
- User creation emails are sent when a user is created. This can be turned off per client
- Roles can be created under each application with various permissions
- A tab delimited user file can be added to load users and create user groups in bulk
- User activity logs keep track of a users progression through the system. Specific user events are tracked and can be used for reporting
Virtual room has been added to create an immersive environment that users can navigate
- Session timeout notification
Application logging including debug mode which provides extensive log information for diagnostics
Feature Updates
Wow touch upgrades
- Database enhancements to serverless DB infrastructure
- Updates to sharing of content to align with the hub
- Updates to menu options
Bug Fixes